Windows Desktop MFA - Managed Engine Endpoint Central

This guide describes how to deploy idemeum desktop client to a fleet of Windows workstations with Endpoint Central.

Windows Desktop MFA - Managed Engine Endpoint Central


You can perform the following installation types with Managed Engine Endpoint Central.

  1. Base version install - use this installation type when you are deploying idemeum client for the first time to a set of Windows workstations. You will need to use the .exe file for this installation.
  2. Upgrade version install - use this installation type when you already have idemeum desktop client installed, and you need to upgrade the client to a newer version or update the client settings. You will need to use the .msi file for this installation.


Before you initiate deployment make sure you have Managed Engine agents installed on your workstations.

Now you will create idemeum client id and client secret required for silent installation.

  • Navigate to your idemeum admin portal. Then click Settings -> Desktop MFA.
  • In the Desktop Installer section click GENERATE to generate client id and client secret for silent installation
  • Note down the client id and secret required for silent installation

Base version install

Please follow the following steps to install idemeum desktop client to a fleet of Windows workstations.

  • Navigate to idemeum documentation portal and download the latest idemeum desktop client
You will need to use .exe file for base version silent installation.
  • Access Managed Engine admin dashboard and create a new deployment package
  • Give package a name
  • Choose exe type
  • Choose file source from local computer and provide path to idemeum .exe file
  • For installation details you will need to provide the command in the form
<idemeum exe filename> /exenoui /qn /norestart TENANTURL="<your tenant URL>" CORP_EMAIL="<admin corporate email" CLIENT_ID="<your client id" CLIENT_SECRET="your client secret" AUTH_TYPE="<authentication type>" TENANT_DISPLAY_NAME="<display name you want to use>" MASTER_KEY="<your tenant master key>"

For example here is the command that we used:

Idemeum_Desktop_Client_v1.1.9.exe /exenoui /qn /norestart TENANTURL="" CORP_EMAIL="" CLIENT_ID="DESKTOP_INSTALLER-desktop_installer_299-UC-q47eY" CLIENT_SECRET="N_~WV9cVwo10QFCh^1XBCG1TRhXb_ja^u$62o@16CLX@YW0v" AUTH_TYPE="RFID" TENANT_DISPLAY_NAME="ACME Company" MASTER_KEY="9bb20d5e-6197-4e7b-b75a-2abacc1fb14e::/Pr+yyQL/V7Lw4mm2vstB+05uxsV/jN1NUOouZY9HXM="
  • Click on Pre-Deployment Activities and add Check Data on Registry Value
  • For registry key use HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE
  • Value name - InstallationState
  • Data type - REG_SZ
  • Comparator - Equals
  • Data to be compared - 1
  • Define action - Skip Installation
  • Now click on Post-Deployment Activities and choose to add Custom Script
  • Choose Command line
  • Enter the following command line - shutdown -r -t 60
  • Now you can Save the configuration

Now you can deploy the package to a list of target machines and idemeum client will be silently installed, and the workstations will restart.

Upgrade version install

This installation type is used for desktop client upgrades. Once the base version is installed, you can use the steps below for all subsequent upgrades.

  • Navigate to idemeum documentation portal and download the latest idemeum desktop client
You will need to use .msi file for upgrade silent installation.
  • Access Managed Engine admin dashboard and create a new deployment package
  • Give package a name
  • Choose exe version
  • Choose file source from local computer and provide path to idemeum .msi file
  • For installation command you will need to enter the following
Make sure you use the correct filename for the desktop msi client that you are installing
msiexec.exe /i "Idemeum_Desktop_Client_v1.1.9.msi" ALLUSERS=1 /qn /norestart
  • Click on Pre-Deployment Activities and add Custom Script
  • Choose Command line
  • For Command line enter the following
msiexec /x {93B9CC98-6004-411E-A8BF-88F7C3BC5541} /qn
  • Make sure you check the box Proceed with the installation even if the above configuration fails.
  • Click Save and continue
  • Click on Post-Deployment Activities
  • Add Custom script
  • Choose Command line
  • Enter the following command
cmd /V /C "for /f "tokens=2*" %a in ('reg query "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Idemeum Inc\Idemeum Desktop Client" /v Path') do set "FilePath=%b" && "!FilePath!\idemeum.exe" UPDATE_SETTING"
  • Save the script configuration
  • Click on Post-Deployment Activities
  • Add Custom script
  • Choose Repository
  • Upload the following PS1 script to execute
  • Save the configuration
  • Click on Post-Deployment Activities
  • Add Custom script
  • Choose Command line
  • Add the following command line
shutdown -r -t 60
  • Save the script configuration

Now you can deploy the package to a list of target machine and idemeum client will be silently updated, and the workstation will restart.

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