What is Single Sign On Tax? | idemeum

SSO definition

Single Sign-On (SSO) is the process of outsourcing your authentication to a central identity provider, in our case idemeum.

Once SSO is enabled instead of logging into each application with its own credentials users get redirected to a central authority for authentication. And once authenticated there, users can access all applications with one click.

idemeum takes SSO to the next level by making it passwordless end to end and enabling users to login with mobile device and biometrics.

Why tax?

To enable Single Sign-On applications needs to support it, and typically it means that application needs to support SAML protocol.

The good thing is that most SaaS applications support SAML today and configuring SSO is a relatively easy exercise.

The not so good thing is that SaaS application providers include SSO option only in the the high tier enterprise plans. For instance, if you are using Asana Premium plan in your organization and you want to enable Single Sign on, you will need to upgrade to enterprise plan and pay 3 times more for each employee.

Single Sign On tax is the premium you have to pay in order to upgrade your application to SAML SSO.

idemeum documentation

For our Application Catalog we not only list applications that we support, but we also provide information for how expensive it would be to upgrade to SSO plan.

We show three levels of SSO tax for each application:

  • Low - application does not charge significant premium to SSO
  • Medium - to upgrade to SSO you need to add additional license or go to one plan above
  • High - you will need to upgrade to most expensive plan in order to enable SSO